Keep in Mind |
you are in the business of selling Real Estate, you need
and should to be on the
Internet. If you own a Fax machine or have a
phone number you need to be listed on the Internet.
The internet
is a very effective advertising space for
your listings. Even if you only place a business
card ad with an email address and a phone / Fax number your
success can be improved with a Website. Many
people now search the Internet before they buy. |
Western Canada Internet |
Edmonton Based Provider of
domain Name registrations, Complete Real Estate Database application
with an easy to use user interface. Uploading your listing photos
is a snap. Email, Custom website design and layout, website maintenance
and page updates, Flash and banner
ads, Custom Database design & implementation, Search engine page
optimization and search engine marketing with submission. We can
provide everything you need to make your website a success. |